Sometimes we want something so badly you can almost feel the try.
We may not see results as quickly as we like and we try to help God out.
We sometimes seek after spiritual gifts, leadership positions, money, romantic and professional relationships with not always the best motives.
For example the mother trying to introduce her daughter to the married man, as she explains that they would make a good couple! I kid you not. Someone did this right in front of me.
It could be the person who wants to preach and pastor a church so badly but does not have the anointing to do so in the capacity that they desire.
Ministering the Word of God is awesome. Doing that because you think it is more important than working with the youth (when you have an anointing and passion for working with youth) is not so great.
Abraham and Sarah were told by the angel of God they would have a child. When they felt it was not happening they took matters into their own hands. We are still feeling the effects of that decision.
Sometimes it is hard to wait. I am waiting right now on a few things that seem to be taking a long time to me. Know this, God’s word shall not return onto us void. He will do what He said He will do.
Be encouraged. Keep the faith. Expect your prayers to be answered.
Genesis 15:21