Tricks of the Enemy

The enemy uses the same tricks over and over to mess with our lives.

1. Distract – People, opportunities and sometimes things are used to distract us from focusing and accomplishing what needs to be done.

2. Delay – When we are distracted, we make choices that slow down our progress towards fulfilling our destiny. This can also affect us keeping commitments which in turn can damage personal and professional relationships.

3. Derail – We may then find ourselves completely off of the course or path we should be on to accomplish our destiny.

4. Deceit – The enemy will also use deception. He has people lie to us and sets up patterns of behaviour where we sometimes discourage and lie to ourselves. These deceptions can also distract, delay and derail us.

When you experience any of the above, remember everyone has experienced the above. You can stop, adjust and get back on course! Take a minute if you need to then just keep moving!

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