If you have a choir and they are all gifted singers then the overall quality and sound of the choir will be good.
If the choir has poor singers scattered throughout, then the quality of the performance will be affected. Negatively.
Yes you bring in new people and they may not all be at the same skill level when you bring them in. They do however need to have skill/anointing and then you can build on that. They can be trained as needed.
Team Integrity
Just a note, if a lack of integrity is an issue, I would not place that person in a position of authority over others. You will pay for it if you do. Repeatedly.
The quality of your team will be impacted which will in turn affect your results. The drama of internal disputes, deceit, jealousy, theft (this can be ideas as well as physical items) will prove to be a handicap.
A quality team works together. They receive praise for the effectiveness of the team and can make a life changing impact on individuals, our communities and the world. Do not give that up for the sake of having a person in place.
Working With The Team You Have
My pastor asked me to take over the leadership of a team because there was so much strife, division, rebellion and low performance.
After I did needs assessment(various methods were used), I met with the team.
Steps to Building a Quality Team
I thanked them all for their service up to date and I acknowledged the challenges that can be present in their roles.
I highlighted the goals (mission and vision) of the organization.
The focus was on the positive way the team would be moving forward in the future and that this would result in some changes in how things were being done.
I issued an invitation to think about the changes that would be happening and I requested they do two things.
1. Write down any feedback that they may have based on the above.
2. Also any recommendations are welcome. They will be assessed and a response will be sent with my response to the suggestion and a thank you. (Thank people for taking the time to help you.)
3. If they did not feel they wanted to continue on the team, to please let me know and we could discuss that if they like or we can discuss what topics or areas they are interested in and I would help them to move to that team if possible.
Consider the Cost
Before I did this, I let my pastor know my intentions and that we could end up with 2 people from 21. I would prefer to work with two people and build from that than have 18 more who may be causing chaos. Sometimes you just have to take a risk.
People did leave for various reasons. I did not mind this. They did not contribute positively to the team and some where serving but were not interested. There is nothing wrong with realizing you are out of place and making an adjustment.
With the people who remained, we provided training, made some organizational adjustments, added to the team by on-boarding members in a more streamlined manner and were able to build up a stronger team. We did make some mistakes (most of those mistakes were mine). The team was healthier and move effective. Team members started recommending their family and friends join and they did.
Additional Benefits to a Quality Team
The team members themselves were the biggest advocate for the team. People liked to interact with the team, they wanted to be a part of the team. The majority the team consistently served with excellence.
Quality always shines through!
1 Peter 4:8-10
8 Above all, have fervent and unfailing love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 10 Just as each one of you has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of God’s multi-faceted grace .
Philippians 2:3-4
3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility, regard others as more important than yourselves. 4 Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.