How to Get Into the Habit of Reading Your Bible

Study your Bible with the same or improved methods you use normally use to learn other things. Consider how you study if you have taken courses to upgraded your skills, obtained new employment or a new role at work. Think about which ways are easier for you to learn. In the past, to improve the … Read more

Make Wise Choices Each Day

Every action we take supports either God’s kingdom or Satan’s. There are no neutral choices. Be kind to someone or mistreating someone. Acting with integrity or in deception. The choice is ours. James 1:5  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will … Read more

Live The Word

How do we live the word? What does the word say? Love each other as Christ loved the church. Treat each other as we want to be treated. Go and make disciples. (Letting our lives be a testimony is a great way to start. ) Forgive as we want to be forgiven. Study His word … Read more