Are You Searching for Life Keys In The Right Place?

Are you looking for life keys in boxes that do not have the answers? We spend so much time searching for the keys to our significance, peace, joy, purpose and fulfilment in things. There is nothing wrong with things unless we become so focused on chasing them because we expect them to provide the keys … Read more

You Can Feel The Try

Flower Through Concrete

Sometimes we want something so badly you can almost feel the try. We may not see results as quickly as we like and we try to help God out. We sometimes seek after spiritual gifts, leadership positions, money, romantic and professional relationships with not always the best motives.  For example the mother trying to introduce … Read more

What Is On The Inside Overflows To The Outside

Male studying the Bible

I read leadership books for many years. I borrowed materials from the library and my place of employment on leadership with no understanding as to why I did this. One day while I was purchasing books by John Maxwell on leadership, I became so angry. During my unplanned conversation with God I shared my frustration. … Read more