Your Chosen Steps Make a Difference

Our daily chosen steps do make a difference. Fortunately we can always adjust those steps. Planning, not planning. Being a good family member/friend, not being a good family member/friend. Handling our money well. Not handling our money well. Growing in your relationship with God. Not growing in your relationship with God. There are results for … Read more

How to Handle Transition Wait Times

In life we go through transition. Unfortunately one of my faults is impatience. Transition and impatience do not usually make for a great combination. This combination sometimes leads to me doing things that I should not be doing because nothing seems to be happening. I have (and continue to work at) using wait times as … Read more

Are You Searching for Life Keys In The Right Place?

Are you looking for life keys in boxes that do not have the answers? We spend so much time searching for the keys to our significance, peace, joy, purpose and fulfilment in things. There is nothing wrong with things unless we become so focused on chasing them because we expect them to provide the keys … Read more