Make Wise Choices Each Day

Every action we take supports either God’s kingdom or Satan’s. There are no neutral choices. Be kind to someone or mistreating someone. Acting with integrity or in deception. The choice is ours. James 1:5  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will … Read more

God is a Planner

He planned the seasons, salvation and our steps. Do not underestimate the importance of making time to plan personally and professionally. A lack of planning in either area, will effect the other. God thought it out, so should we. The seed is the planning, the rewards are your results! Proverbs 21:5 Careful planning puts you … Read more

What Is On The Inside Overflows To The Outside

Male studying the Bible

I read leadership books for many years. I borrowed materials from the library and my place of employment on leadership with no understanding as to why I did this. One day while I was purchasing books by John Maxwell on leadership, I became so angry. During my unplanned conversation with God I shared my frustration. … Read more