Focus and Keep Going

No matter how complex the journey and the situations around you look, keep going. Focus ahead and on positive things, maintain or build healthy relationships and keep going. Galatians 6:9 9 Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.

Do Not Be Fooled by Appearances

Photograph by anncapictures Officially winter is over but it is still cold outside and we have had a few snow storms. What we see is still indicating it is winter but the appearance is not accurate. However, I woke up to hear birds chirping and see the squirrels frolicking. A house plant started blooming pink … Read more

Train Yourself for Success Now

Please get a pen and a piece of paper. Please really do this. Make two columns titled, Current Skill Improvements and Beneficial Skills Training. Write anything you are doing right now to improve your current skills or to develop future beneficial skills. If your sheet is blank, do not feel discouraged or judge yourself. Pick … Read more

God’s Tool Box the Bible

In an episode of M.A.S.H, one of the doctors made a comment about a troubling situation and the camp Priest quoted a scripture to encourage him. The doctor basically said, everything is in that book. I really heard that and realized that it is true. If we love others like and treat people how we … Read more