Stop Drifting and Focus

I was looking at the chandelier that I had said I was going to clean 3 months ago. It was not done and I continued to look at it and wondered why. I needed to focus.

I started evaluating how I had spent my days recently.

I did not realize that I was drifting away from my daily schedules. As a result the projects and tasks that should have been completed were not. My bible study was behind. My course training was behind.

I kept drifting between actions. I was distracted by various concerns and had not been focusing so that I completed desired tasks.

When I looked at the projects that I had completed, I had not allowed myself to be distracted by things I could not change.

I needed to focus and stop drifting to other tasks, replaying past mistakes in my mind and drifting to other non-productive and negative thoughts.

Stop drifting. Bring yourself back to the task at hand and keep producing. You are well able!

Philippians 3:15-16

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