Speak To It

Do you have a challenge in your life? Speak to it!

Recently my family went bowling. My younger sister could not throw the bowling ball due to its weight and her size so she placed it on the ground and then pushed it. After the first few times she realized she needed to deal with the remaining pins that were sometimes off to one side.

We saw her place the ball on the ground then bend down and start speaking to it! Then she pointed in the direction she wanted the ball to go in and she pushed the ball to send it on its way.

We were laughing and then watched as it slowly rolled down the lane and then every pin was knocked down! She did not realize it but she was using a Godly principle and made a strike.

God did not focus on the darkness. He spoke light into being.

Which areas in your life are you leaving in darkness? Your health, relationships, finances, destiny?

Pick and area or challenge, find the scripture to address the issue, memorize it and start speaking it throughout the day.

I continue to work on this, sometimes I start and stop. However persevere because it is amazing to watch as Gods word begins to work in our lives.

Speak it!

Mark 11:23-24

23 “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

1 thought on “Speak To It”

  1. So true Paulette. While I have heard this before, I actually got a real revelation on this last night on my way home. Confessing the scriptures and come into REAL AGREEMENT with God’s word Mind ,Body and Spirit! Powerful 🔥🔥🔥💥


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