Pursuing Purpose Now

We all have a purpose. What we are passionate about is a clue to that purpose.

Unfortunately sometimes we become caught up in pursuing the wrong purpose.

We try to receive increase, favour and financial gain from the wrong sources or through wrong methods chasing after a purpose that is not our own. The underlying root of this is usually greed. (lust of the eyes).

When I have taken the time to asses why I wanted certain things, I have sometimes found greed to be at the root of the desire. This sometimes causes us to become confused about what our purpose is because our motives are off.

While we may receive and experience varying degrees of success, it is usually not as abundant and or as rewarding as it could be.

Expecting, pursuing and collecting in our ‘lane/purpose’ and not trying to collect what is not ours, usually leads to internal peace, prosperity and joy.

Pursuit of purpose without peace (trying to collect what is not yours) leads to a host of other potentially unpleasant side effects.

Bitterness, anger, anxiety, fear, insecurity, dissatisfaction and depression to name a few.

What you bring to this life is unique to you. No one can be and do what you have been designed to do.

Go after what is yours. Do not waste your time trying to pursue what is not.

The world will be a richer place if we all collect only what is ours.

Pursue, excel and enjoy!

Ephesians 5:15

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,

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