Prioritize Today for a Better Tomorrow

It is the unreasonable care of this other things that choke prevent or delay us obeying God’s word.

We focus on our things in life to the point where we “fit” in the things of God.

We try to remember to pray but we arrive at work on time.

We attend or watch church services occasionally but we watch our favourite tv shows or sports religiously. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a show or game. The concern is neglecting spiritual growth.

We read our Bible rarely or just before we go to sleep (and fall asleep) but we attend school during the week for years to obtain an education.

Our spiritual growth is important and vital to God’s kingdom and your personal life. Assess which things are choking out God’s word in your life and start making small changes. Do not try to change everything at once. Do plan on when you will change each area and then schedule the changes. Refocus and get ready for a whole new world!

Colossians 3:2

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

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