Peace of God

When we feel the peace of God regarding a decision, it is because our choice to obey has a spiritual and sometimes physical impact on us. Although we may not have put our decision in actual effect and followed through as yet, God knows that we are going to follow through in obedience to His word. 

I was attending Sunday services at a great church. I was growing and maturing as a believer, building relationships and learning about ministry.

After a considerable amount of time when I was nice and comfortable I felt that I an internal press to become a member of another church. I was resistant to the ideal of a church move.

Church hopping was not a desire of mine and although I felt the other church was a good church and the people were great, I did not want to leave.

I spoke to one of the Pastors at my home church and he said they would definitely prefer to see me stay but they did not want to stand in God’s way if He had other plans for me.

It did not make sense for me to leave where I was and I had no desire to do so. So I did not. For 3 months. 

Absence of Peace

During the 3 months I felt like I could not get any peace. I was unsettled and distracted. Although I would try to focus and even though the messages were still great, I could not settle down and receive. I had no peace.

I had previously attended the other church as a family friend had invited us to attend some special services. As partial obedience (which is not obedience at all), I went to a service at the other church. I picked-up the membership form and carried it in my purse for the 3 months.

Finally a family member told me something that registered. What good was it if I stayed where I was, continued to build friendships and took great notes, if I was out of God’s will?

Whatever I was supposed to do and whomever I was supposed to help would most likely not materialize. As I was sitting in service shortly after that conversation, I decided to act in obedience.

God’s Peace Manifested

I felt immediate peace and I had not not yet notified my home church that I would be leaving or returned to the other church to hand in the completed church membership form which I already had in my possession.

God knew that I had made the decision to act in obedience and that I would follow through with it. As a result, God provided peace spiritually and other things began to line up (in the natural) with the decision as well.

There may be challenges with any decision, however when we feel the peace of God we can move forward with boldness.

Any time I was tempted to focus on issues and concerns I would focus again on the peace God had provided and continued to provide and know that I was in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.

That season in my life, unbeknownst to me, was preparation for things to come.

May His Word, be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.

Psalm 119:105 

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their place in peace.

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