Building In The Wilderness

In Exodus the children of Israel were to pass through the wilderness on the way to the promise land. They were not supposed to stop and build permanent structures or make their home in the wilderness. God made provision for the Israelites to last them during their journey. He did not provide the manna, quail … Read more

Known By Your Fruit

What kind of fruit do you usually produce? We are known by our words, kind and unkind. We are known by our actions, kind and unkind. Are your words and actions saying what you want them to say? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness … Read more

Construction Closure Part 2

As I was about to drive underground to enter the library parking, I noticed the lawn above the ground was a mess of construction material because there were piles of pipes, cables, heavy equipment, supplies ect. I realized that even though it looked disorganized it was really organized and everything was needed for the new … Read more

Construction Closure (Part One)

I was driving to the library and the street that I needed to turn unto was was blocked 0ff. It had a sign that indicated, “Closed due to construction September 8, 2009 until January 12, 2011. Our city had to close the road for a long time in order to fix it and make it … Read more

Dew In The Desert

The children of Israel were travelling across a desert on their way to the promised land. As they traveled God provided dew (provision) in the desert. He provided water, manna, quail, the spoils (wealth) of Egypt and the Israelites clothing did not wear out. I can think of times in my life when things were … Read more

Oatmeal Faith Lesson

I occasionally purchase oatmeal and I would request they add brown sugar. They would place the sugar on the top and I mixed it in. One day after I purchased the oatmeal and went to eat it upon arrival at work, I noticed that the sugar was missing. I became annoyed and then was about … Read more

Mind Your Business

As we go through life we need to keep our focus and mind our business. A number of years ago someone was speaking to me and saying how they were being given a free trip. This person had caused considerable damage to others without any visible remorse and continued to create havoc. I remember wondering, … Read more

God’s Favour and His Love

God's Love

My mother noticed about 15 Canadian geese crossing the street during rush hour one morning. Those birds have favour with people. Traffic will stop in both directions, regardless of the time of day to allow the geese to safely cross the street. When we have favour it is more powerful than we realize. Our size, … Read more

Give God Praise


When a sculptors work is being praised it is actually the sculptor that is being praised. As people see God reflected in us by the love we show others and the integrity we display, this in turn brings all praise back to God.


Multi-Coloured Strings

God is in each of us. We sometimes cannot see Him in us because we are caught up in so many strings. Strings may be people or things that can become harmful because of their demands, or in excess. They may take our attention from God and the purpose and destiny He has for us … Read more