
Where there was death there is now life. Life in our health, relationships, purpose, destiny, finances and spiritual relationships with God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit. As Jesus came and died for our sins and rose again by the power of the Holy Spirit, so do we comeback from our past mistakes, … Read more

Faith Speaks

We exercise our faith by our actions. When we pray, (pray the word) and then act. Our preparing to receive shows our faith in action! 2 Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises]

The Jewel In The Crown

In a church, the Pastors, Ministers, Elders, office staff and volunteers are the gold foundation framework of the crown in the kingdom of God. The various ministries, programs, special services and events are the jewels in the crown. The largest, most vibrant jewel in the front and centre of the crown is the teaching of … Read more

Continual Harvest

My mom set-up a coffee station in her home. She put in the work of organizing everything coffee or tea related into that one location. Every time she uses the station, it is a continual harvest. It saves her time. It makes things easier for her and her guests. She can easily determine in advance … Read more

Sowing A Seed

2 Corinthians 9:10Now He who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. When we sow a seed, we reap a harvest. The seed is everything. Kindness, generosity, forgiveness, bitterness, revenge. Take a walk outside and look at the … Read more

Manual For Life

We are like a computer. The manufacturer (God) created us and provided the “manual” (Bible) to allow us to operate at peak efficiency. When we follow the instructions, we are healthier, prosperous, wiser and loving. Therefore we go through life with greater success and effectiveness. God created us and everything He creates has a natural … Read more

Do Not Let Anyone Rewrite Your Past

We focus sometimes so much on our current situations that we allow others to rewrite our past successes out of our story. We have experienced successful spiritual growth. As well as personal relationships and or professional accomplishments. We should not become complacent and think we no longer need to make an effort. However, do not … Read more