Camera Ready

In a photo shoot you need the model and the photographer. The model has to be prepared and camera ready before the photographer can begin to take the photographs. • The lighting has to be set up. •A backdrop or location has to be determined and set-up as needed. • Appropriate hair has to be … Read more

You Can Feel The Try

Flower Through Concrete

Sometimes we want something so badly you can almost feel the try. We may not see results as quickly as we like and we try to help God out. We sometimes seek after spiritual gifts, leadership positions, money, romantic and professional relationships with not always the best motives.  For example the mother trying to introduce … Read more

In Alignment

My Mom had a revelation that we are supposed to stay in the love zone. This means in order, not just love. Caroline Leaf said this is being out of alignment. I received a revelation that when we are out of this love zone we always bear the fruit of being out of alignment. Always. … Read more

Learn, Adapt & Roll

Pay attention to your life and the lives of others. Learn, adapt and roll. We can learn from their mistakes and our own. Make any changes in our lives based on God’s Word, our experiences, observations of others and discernment. Apply what you have learned. Sometimes that is doing less or more of something. It … Read more

Personal Development Pruning

We need to prune different areas in our lives.

Our neighbour hired someone to prune his tree. The landscaper started cutting off the branches from the top to the bottom. Then he did the more detailed work. We need to do this with the difficult areas in our lives. (Eg. Managing money, harmful relationships, self-care, career decisions) There are different areas in our lives … Read more