Look for Opportunity

Zacchaeus was short. When Jesus was about to pass by he would not have been able to see him.

He left his current spot and climbed a tree to give himself a better view point.

As Jesus passed by He saw Zacchaeus in the tree and called to him. He told him to come as Jesus intended to go to visit his home.

Jesus was his guest that day.

If Zacchaeus had stayed where he was that opportunity literally could have passed Him by.

Sometimes we are waiting for the perfect circumstances right where we are without any effort from us.

Take a look at what you have access to. What can you use to help you? Do you need to adjust your personal and or work habits? Do you need to organize your home? Do you need to start calling family and friends? Set up better boundaries so people are not taking advantage of you and or your family? Do you need to tell one lie less a day and work on it? Do you need to clean out the garage? Do you need to update your resume? Do you need to manage your time better?

We all are working on something. Stop looking at your overwhelming appearing circumstances and do something small that you can, where you can.

Do not be afraid to move!

Zacchaeus 19:1-4

19 1-4 Then Jesus entered and walked through Jericho. There was a man there, his name Zacchaeus, the head tax man and quite rich. He wanted desperately to see Jesus, but the crowd was in his way—he was a short man and couldn’t see over the crowd. So he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus when he came by.

5-7 When Jesus got to the tree, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down. Today is my day to be a guest in your home.” Zacchaeus scrambled out of the tree, hardly believing his good luck, delighted to take Jesus home with him. Everyone who saw the incident was indignant and grumped, “What business does he have getting cozy with this crook?”

Zacchaeus just stood there, a little stunned. He stammered apologetically, “Master, I give away half my income to the poor—and if I’m caught cheating, I pay four times the damages.”

9-10 Jesus said, “Today is salvation day in this home! Here he is: Zacchaeus, son of Abraham! For the Son of Man came to find and restore the lost.”

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