One day God showed me that I was thinking He was mad at me and I was wrong.
One day I checked my planner and I realized I had goals that should have been achieved but were not started and I needed to create some documents in order to move forward with those goals. For some unknown reason, the next morning I decided to go through 2 large buckets of binders and remove any unnecessary papers for recycling.
The next morning I unexpectedly decided to go through 2 large buckets of binders and remove any unnecessary papers for recycling.
I went through the buckets, faster then I thought I would. (Procrastination is a really ridiculous trap.) In the buckets were documents that I would need in the coming months to complete my goals and certain projects.
Wow! I did not remember that I had completed some of the needed tasks already. I would have redone everything and wasted time. I realized that God really was not mad at me. He showed me those documents to help me.
Suddenly I had the words, let it go. Then I had a visual impression of a beach and throwing a variety of debris on the water at the edge (not that I would ever do this). The tide slowly started to take the things out to sea. As I stood and watched, they moved further and further until eventually I could not see them anymore.
We need to throw/give/cast the debris of our past mistakes and sins to Jesus.
Let them go and try not to sin again. We have learned better, so that we can do better but God has already forgiven us.
Receive that.
Psalm 32:5
I acknowledged my sin to You,
And I did not hide my wickedness;
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord”;
And You forgave the guilt of my sin.