Kingdom Priority

I attended a large and very busy conference. As I was paying for my purchases, the person taking the payment paused, looked at me and said that if I focus on building the Kingdom my life would go as one of God’s faithful ministers.

I was surprised (more like shocked) and moved on. I did not really want to think about it because I already had my own plans. They would help others but were mostly focused on the benefits to me. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do well, however I believe my priories were a little out of whack.

Later I realized that when we focus on building the Kingdom first, then we put what is best for the Kingdom ahead of our desires and this positively effects our decision making skills.

There were a number of things that I wanted to do. Once I started filtering them through the effect they could have, I started to change some decisions.

This is still a work in progress and sometimes I miss it. (This is a nice way of saying sometimes I mess up and it comes back to kick me in the behind.)

However, the more I focus on putting the Kingdom first, the more I see God’s favour increase on my life.

We can be the best we can be in our personal and professional life and still put the Kingdom of God first by our decisions and behaviour.

Some of the ways we do this are:

  • Honouring our commitment to arrive and leave work on time.
  • Treating our employees, employers, coworkers and customers with respect.
  • Not stealing (time or material items) from your place of employment.
  • Tell the truth. People will not be interested in what you say if most things that come out of your mouth are questionable.

When we put God and His Kingdom first, we show Him love, and show His love.



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