Keep It Pure

Whatever we do for others we should try to keep it pure.

We need to keep our motives, attitude, behaviour, speech and leadership pure.


Our motives for helping others may partially be generated by a variety of reasons. Those reasons may be because of how it makes us feel to know that we are making a difference. Or for other reasons that are also more about how we feel than the organization or people that we are helping. (Let’s be real, we usually are getting something from how we help.)

In addition to self-gratification we usually want to provide help to meet the needs of people or an organization that helps others.

If the only reason we are helping others is to obtain something from it, this does not mean they will not still be helped by our efforts. I do believe however we do not receive the full benefits from providing the help as we could. I think it is more of a heart issue than a head issue. If no one else knows what our motives are, we will know.


If we provide assistance to others and then behave as if they now and forevermore “owe” us for the assistance then what was provided was not help. We just tried to sign-up the “helped person or group” for slavery. Help should not come with strings attached.


As we lead others, they are being influenced by our actions. If we filter how we treat those who report to us by illogical, selfish, jealous (to name a few) reasons and thoughts, then we will never achieve the full potential of accomplishment in our area of leadership that was truly possible.

How do we do our best to ‘keep it pure”? Treat others how we want to be treated.

Proverbs 11:3

The integrity and moral courage of the upright will guide them,
But the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.


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