Is God Your Plan B?

Far too many times to count I have wanted a situation to change or I decided to do something and it did not work. Then I tried something else which also did not work. After repeated attempts I thought, well I have done everything I could think of. I guess the only thing left to do is pray.

I actually heard myself say this once!

As if God was my plan B. I looked to Him, as the back-up if every other option did not work out. This does not work. God in his Word tells us to go to Him first.

Not as the Plan B for when other options do not work out but talk with Him first.

We can then believe in Him as we move forward. Sometime that is for us to act and sometimes its means for us to trust and obey and wait. He guides us and directs our paths. This week remember that He is our Plan A  for every situation!

He commanded Judah to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his laws and commands.

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