What is your personal theme word for this year?
This year mine is wisdom. Stop, take a deep breath, get a piece of paper and a pen. Take another two deep breaths and then think. One word. Not a list or an elevator speech. Just one word.
What do you need to do in the main areas of your life in order to allow you to live life with greater success according to your theme word?
I have picked one thing to work on in greater wisdom in my spiritual, personal and professional areas of my life. Part of that wisdom for me is to talk less. There are a number of reasons for this. Sometimes it demotivates me when something you talked about does not happen.
Other times I in the past shared goals with people who are not supportive or right out toxic to my success.
It does not not mean that I will not talk at all. Only that I am very selective about those who I share with.
I am focusing on my part of the puzzle and what I am supposed to be doing to help God’s Kingdom.
This is not about making new year resolutions. It is about making progress.
Keep it simple and applicable to your life. Small steps can lead you a lot farther down the road to success than you might think!
Exodus 31:3 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—