Revelation of God’s Word

Revelation of God’s Word Lights the Way

I received the revelation that, God is the power, I am the vessel. Know the Word, speak the Word and His power will work through His Word.

Sometimes we become caught up in the circumstances of life. My focus was on different things happening in my life and I was spending less time reading the Word of God.

Diminished intake of His Word equaled less knowledge of His Word. Which led to less of me speaking His Word and decreased examples of the power of God flowing through my life. Including less revelation and breakthrough.

Less revelation in our lives amounts to decreased understanding and guidance and faith building. This can then result in unfortunate daily decision making with potential short term and or long term results.

Read the Word

We are the vessel. We are God’s hands in the earth and we have dominion here. As we read His Word we make ourselves available to receive and know His Word.

It is much easier to bring out what is already in us (His way of responding and doing things) as we interact with others and represent Him when we know him through His Word.

Speak the Word

Speak His word because the utterance allows us and others to hear His Word. It releases His Word into the spirit and natural world and and reinforces and trains us in His Word.

As a result His power works through His Word. It breaks spiritual strongholds, strengthens, equips and anoint us. It therefore makes the crooked places straight and allows His love to have an impact that we in and of ourselves could not have.

Know it, speak it and expect the power of God to bring forth change!

2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Psalms 107:20 – He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered [them] from their destructions.

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