Handling the Smelly Stuff

Have you ever left food in your refrigerator and it started to spoil?

We sometimes act like because the food is in the refrigerator we can get around to handling it later and we occasionally do the same thing with situations in our lives that are not healthy.

When we leave the food in our refrigerator, it stills decays but at a more subtle rate. Bacteria forms and the food will also begin to have a bad odor. If it is left long enough, mold begins to form.

Eventually the smell and mold will effect those things around the decaying item.


What situations do we have in our lives that we are refusing to handle and this decision is affecting us and the things/people around us? What do we intend to do about those situations?

Exodus 9:1

” Then the Lord said to Moses, “Get up early in the morning, confront Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me,”


1 thought on “Handling the Smelly Stuff”

  1. You are doing a great triumphant thing here. I always said you should be a lawyer. God has given you the vocabulary to express yourself in an articulate way. These blogs will be inspiring to people, because everyone goes through things in different ways and in your blogs will be a word of encouragement for someone. I haven’t read all of the blogs as yet, but I will . There may be a word for me too.


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