Guide and Correct

Jesus sent out the disciples and His instruction was for them to take nothing with them except a staff. In biblical times a staff was used by shepherds to guide and correct their sheep. They did not have a lot of big fancy things to accomplish their mission.

The Word of God is our guide and correct. We sometimes act as if position, titles, possessions and the right connections are needed to share His Word, see people healed and delivered.

The disciples anointed many seek people with oil and and were a vessel used by God to heal them. They drove out many demons and preached that people should repent. We are still talking and influenced by these guys today.

Hmm…why do I not see the same level of results? I should go back to and keep my focus on the ‘guide and correct’.

Mark 6:8

These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.

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