In an episode of M.A.S.H, one of the doctors made a comment about a troubling situation and the camp Priest quoted a scripture to encourage him. The doctor basically said, everything is in that book.
I really heard that and realized that it is true. If we love others like and treat people how we want to be treated, that would take care of a lot of issues.
If we are responsible for what we have authority over (our health, family, finances, relationships, work), we would experience a lot less difficulties.
The root of every situation is addressed in the Bible. If you need help to make a decision, check it out in the Bible. You might be surprised how much it helps making a decision easier.
Psalm 143:8
Make me hear of your love in the morning,
because I rely on you.
Make me know the way I should walk,
because I entrust myself to you.