Gifts and Skills

Years ago I used to be able to use mail merge to easily produce letters and envelopes with names and addresses.

A few years later I wanted to perform a mail merge and could not remember how to do so.

As I no longer had needed to perform that function I had forgotten how to use it.

I however needed that skill to achieve success in my new endeavours.

What gift or skill of yours do you underestimate?

King David as a young man played music. Even though he tended the sheep, he continued to use his gift. His gift made room for him to go into the palace.

This led to walking into his destiny and purpose as he was anointed and appointed by God.

Are you finding a way to continue to use your gifts? There are most likely people waiting on you.

1 Samuel 16:14-23

The Spirit of the Lord had left Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord was terrifying him. “It’s an evil spirit from God that’s frightening you,” Saul’s officials told him.

“Your Majesty, let us go and look for someone who is good at playing the harp. He can play for you whenever the evil spirit from God bothers you, and you’ll feel better.”

“All right,” Saul answered. “Find me someone who is good at playing

Saul sent a message to Jesse: “Tell your son David to leave your sheep and come here to me.”

Jesse loaded a donkey with bread and a goatskin full of wine then he told David to take the donkey and a young goat to Saul. 

David went to Saul and started working for him. Saul liked him so much that he put David in charge of carrying his weapons. Not long after this, Saul sent another message to Jesse: “I really like David. Please let him stay with me.”

Whenever the evil spirit from God bothered Saul, David would play his harp. Saul would relax and feel better, and the evil spirit would go away.

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