We have to accompany faith with action.
I used to think that I should have faith and then God would act. I did not believe that I had to do anything. The problem was that I did not see a lot of positive results from always waiting.
One day I had the most amazing revelation. NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen.
I had heard that scripture many times and even said it. I had the information without the revelation.
Then I really understood that faith without works is dead. Previously I thought, works are me acting in the flesh (according to my desires which may or may not be good choices). If I was supposed to have faith (wait on God- I thought), then how does this make sense?
The simplest interpretation is this. Faith is knowing what God’s Word is and then preparing for His Word to come into effect. If you would like a car, prepare for it by beginning to save. If you have one and need a better car, prepare for it by keeping your current vehicle clean and well maintained. Your ‘work’ is taking the steps you need to in preparation for what God does.
If you are trying to sell your current home and do not tidy it up, perhaps purge some items and make it ready for viewing, you will lower the chances of it selling or selling quickly. It does not mean that you may never sell it but your lack of action will most likely have an impact.
This scripture basically means believe and get ready. No little fairy’s will be showing up to do your part. If that seems overwhelming, pick one area and start with that. This is not a race, it is a walk. Go for it!