I remember watching a documentary on one of Europe’s largest car factories. I learned the following information and realized that we could live better lives if we asked ourselves an important question.
They created a production necessity and production plan.
They have a facility or location for assembly/production.
The required components were decided.
A method of bringing in the components was arranged.
The components were moved to the correct areas.
Staff and tools were arranged to begin assembly.
Staff personal safety requirements were put in place.
Assembly using an organized process/assembly line became operational.
Checkpoints were maintained.
Adjustments, alterations and repairs are performed as needed.
Completion, checkpoint, service and then the company shipped the product.
They used 12,000 components to make a Volkswagen.
Around one hundred and ninety cars were produced per hour.
All of this goes into making a Volkswagen.What effort are we putting into assembling our life successfully?
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: