You have a purpose to fulfill in life.
Do not allow others to distract you into pouring your life into fulfilling theirs indefinitely.
Do not allow fear to stop you and cause you to focus on something ‘easier’.
Take steps every day towards your goal.
Small steps are still steps, do not be discouraged.
If you are discouraged, keep going.
Pursue your purpose.
Do not allow anyone else to pressure you into doing what they think you should be doing with your destiny.
Pray, focus and fight for your best life.
I believe you can. Do you?
John 6:15
Then Jesus, knowing that they were going to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountainside by Himself.
Thank you for these encouraging words of wisdom. You have blessed me in a time such as this. Going through some hard times, I realized from your words that they are God’s words and I feel strength and empowerment by reading this message. I believe God sent me here because he knows that I needed to hear this right here, right now. No matter what we’re going through, we need to focus and put our attention to God, not the situation. Praise Him when we’re going through the storm and take ourselves forward to where the storm has already passed. Thank you very much. Keep writing these enlightened powerful words.