Dew In The Desert

The children of Israel were travelling across a desert on their way to the promised land. As they traveled God provided dew (provision) in the desert. He provided water, manna, quail, the spoils (wealth) of Egypt and the Israelites clothing did not wear out.

I can think of times in my life when things were really not going well. It felt like a bullseye was on me. Sometimes it felt like I could not take a breath before the next issue came along.

Even in those difficult times, God would do things that showed me he was with me. He was providing for me as I travelled the rough roads. I was unemployed for 2 years and one month I had no idea how I was going to pay my rent.

Red Sea Miracles

I received a call from my bank telling me they had money that belonged to me and could I please go pick it up right away. It was the amount of my rent. The bank associate could not explain why they had the money for me. Only that they knew the money was mine for sure.

My family and a very close family friend helped me with groceries during the 2 years.

My church covered the cost for me to attend a women’s conference in another country during that time which was very encouraging when I really needed the encouragement.

Keith Moore Ministries sent video tapes free of charge of sermons to anyone who requested them even if the person did not have the money to send funds to pay for the video tapes. I qualified.

God always provides help somehow, someway, dew in our desert. I have even received a revelation via something I read in a comic book. He is always with us  and providing for us.

So Israel will live in safety; Jacob will dwell secure in a land of grain and new wine, where the heavens drop dew.

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