We can come out of the darkness of our past situations into the light of a new day, new opportunities and relationships.
What is in the past has already happened. We hinder our forward progress if while walking we keep stopping to turn around and look back. Learn from the past but turn around and keep moving forward.
Maybe turning around means letting go of past harmful relationships and people. Develop the gift of good-bye. This is not always easy however sometimes it is easier than we think.
Do you want to have a chance at a healthier life? This does not mean dropping people without thought or getting rid of people because they cannot always do something for you. Assess who helps you be a better person, who is a positive influence on you.
Some people want to keep you around because you are convenient for them and then they are making harmful choices in their lives and want you to be in the same kind of situation or on the same level of destruction. They will try to make you feel you need them and cannot make its without them. Or that others will not understand you.
Sometimes people will want you around because you advance them but it is detrimental to you and your dreams, goals and purpose in life.
Everyone has regrets. Do not let those regrets become what eventually is listed on your tombstone.
“Here lies Jane Smith.
She was sorry for everything she ever did.
In doing so, she did nothing.”
Know that there is an opening that leads into a cave of darkness. You may or may not have been the one who led or put your in the cave. However there is also always an opening that leads out of a cave. You may be able to stand up and walk out of the cave or you may be bent down and have to crawl out. You might need the help of others to get out of the cave of your past situations.
It does not matter how you get out as long as you get out. Do not be too proud to accept help.
When you get out and the opportunity presents itself, you may be able to help others do the same thing.
Be encouraged, everyone should have the opportunity to live their best life now.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.