Kingdom of Light or Kingdom of Darkness
There are no neutral choices. Every decision/action we make has consequences. Even when we decide not to act or speak in a situation, we are making a choice.
I worked for a previous employer who trusted me to verify that all of the documentation requiring his signature were vetted. Unfortunately documents were given to me requiring his signature and I realized that there was no way the client could have signed the paperwork. However the documents showed a client signature.
It would be great to say that I stood up immediately and went into my employer’s office with my hero cape flying but that is far from the case. Instead I had a very irritated conversation with God asking why he kept putting me into these positions. (Lol…sometimes we are so ridiculous.)
I could pretend that I had not have not realized that the signatures were questionable. My employer would have signed, the advisor would be happy, and the client would be happy their documents were processed as they had just left for vacation and the documents processing would be delayed.
If I had decided to do nothing that still would have been a choice. I would have violated the trust my employer placed in me, the trust our clients had in our company, my own integrity and personal core values and sinned against God.
Every choice we make will support God’s Kingdom or the kingdom of darkness. We will either represent Him or the dark side. Lying, omission or complicity by silence is still a choice.
Why Making the Right Choice Is Important
What we do matters. Our choices make an impact on our lives and on the lives of others. Good or bad. Sometimes someone is watching us as an example on how to behave. People note if we are trustworthy.
Sometimes only God knows but there is always seed time and a harvest time. We receive what we put out, sooner or later. No matter who sees us and who does not, we need make the right choice that would stand up to scrutiny before God and man.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Very inspirational!
That is great to hear!