We need to go and ‘do’ what needs to be done in order to ‘be’ what we want to see.
We may need to make changes to our responsibilities, stop or minimize spending time with people who are mentally or physically harmful to us. Review and make adjustments to our personal and professional schedules and commitments and set-up a few boundaries.
As we are looking to make positive changes in our lives, we sometimes skip a part of the process.
The part we sometimes forget is that after we make changes in any area, we need to now walk in the changes.
If you were continually told, you are not intelligent and your life would never amount to anything, you cannot wake up each day and act like that is the truth.
You need to now ‘be’ in the moment and act accordingly. Get up and take actions to support the changes.
Take an online course, no one needs to know but you. If you were told you are unattractive, find one little thing to adjust if you feel unattractive. (Some people we know are just mean and or jealous so I recommend asking people with sense if you are seeking help.)
If you always wear dark colours and want to add some colour, start introducing colour into your wardrobe. A coloured ring, scarf, bracelet, hat, jacket, shoes ect.
Find one thing and start to work on it. You can do it!
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.