Yield to The Holy Spirit

I was driving and noticed the Yield traffic sign, and remembered that I need to yield to the Holy Spirit. We need to give way to what God wants for us. If we proceed without caution, we could wreck ourselves and others. The wrecks can delay us and cost us in many ways. Relationships, time, … Read more

God is a Planner

He planned the seasons, salvation and our steps. Do not underestimate the importance of making time to plan personally and professionally. A lack of planning in either area, will effect the other. God thought it out, so should we. The seed is the planning, the rewards are your results! Proverbs 21:5 Careful planning puts you … Read more

Gifts, Guns and Snack Bar

I was seeking God about understanding the Trinity and having trouble making the connection of how three were one and complete as one. It is amazing to me how God can use anything to help us understand. Not too long after a friend of mine was describing her road trip up North and she told me … Read more

Reset It

God can reset our clock even when we think we have missed our timing for success in life. The success may be spiritually, with family, relationships, finances and career. Sarah was past child bearing age when the angel told her and Abraham that she would give birth to a child. She thought it was so … Read more