Yield to The Holy Spirit

I was driving and noticed the Yield traffic sign, and remembered that I need to yield to the Holy Spirit. We need to give way to what God wants for us. If we proceed without caution, we could wreck ourselves and others. The wrecks can delay us and cost us in many ways. Relationships, time, … Read more

Revenge is Never the Answer

The children of Israel sinned and stepped out of God’s covering. The Babylonian’s attacked them, defeated them and enslaved them. However…the Babylonians were destroyed because they came against God’s children. That was the harvest the Babylonian’s received. No matter what people do to you, do not try to get back at them. Revenge is not … Read more

God is a Planner

He planned the seasons, salvation and our steps. Do not underestimate the importance of making time to plan personally and professionally. A lack of planning in either area, will effect the other. God thought it out, so should we. The seed is the planning, the rewards are your results! Proverbs 21:5 Careful planning puts you … Read more

Check It Before You Reject It

I was making dinner and my sister asked, “What is for dinner?” I said it is a surprise and she said, “Whatever you are making I do not like it.” 😂😂😂. Kids see food or in this case hear about food they are not familiar with and decide if they like it or want to … Read more

Guide and Correct

Jesus sent out the disciples and His instruction was for them to take nothing with them except a staff. In biblical times a staff was used by shepherds to guide and correct their sheep. They did not have a lot of big fancy things to accomplish their mission. The Word of God is our guide … Read more