Is God Your Plan B?

Plan B Bubble

Far too many times to count I have wanted a situation to change or I decided to do something and it did not work. Then I tried something else which also did not work. After repeated attempts I thought, well I have done everything I could think of. I guess the only thing left to … Read more

Personal Power

Superman Logo

As believers we have personal power and that power is self-discipline. Christians without discipline lack personal power. Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights, disciplining His flesh. How Do We Build Our Personal Power? There are ways that we can build up our self-discipline. Read His Word, meditate on His Word and act on His … Read more


Door Choices

Kingdom of Light or Kingdom of Darkness There are no neutral choices. Every decision/action we make has consequences. Even when we decide not to act or speak in a situation, we are making a choice. I worked for a previous employer who trusted me to verify that all of the documentation requiring his signature were … Read more

Peace of God

Calm Beach

When we feel the peace of God regarding a decision, it is because our choice to obey has a spiritual and sometimes physical impact on us. Although we may not have put our decision in actual effect and followed through as yet, God knows that we are going to follow through in obedience to His word.  … Read more