Let Our Life Be Our Testimony

I saw a sign that had the words,’Glamorous Designer Dresses Sold Here $89.00”. It was written on a piece of brown paper bag with magic marker and tapped to the wall. I laughed so hard…lol. The words indicated one thing but the presentation indicated something else entirely! A paper bag taped to the wall does … Read more

People Are Like Shoes

People are like shoes in that some fit and some do not. different shoes are best for certain situations and events some are comfortable and some are not some look great but can hurt you some feel great but mess with your personal presentation We have all experienced days when we have been tired or … Read more

Resurrection Redemption

The resurrection is God taking all of our sins and forgiving us. He died so we would have eternal life. We receive redemption (deliverance from sin and freedom from captivity) through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is God taking our sins and forgiving us. He is our continuous second chance. Not a license … Read more

Speak To It

Do you have a challenge in your life? Speak to it! Recently my family went bowling. My younger sister could not throw the bowling ball due to its weight and her size so she placed it on the ground and then pushed it. After the first few times she realized she needed to deal with … Read more

Royal Position

In the Disney cartoon movie Sinbad, the royal Prince was imprisoned while Sinbad went to find the missing treasure book. During the movie they later showed the Prince in the prison. When his father went to visit the Prince I noticed the Prince’s royal bearing. He did not move, stand, speak or act any differently … Read more

Teammate Masks

Give careful consideration to who you partner with as teammates in all areas of life. Especially ministry, relationships and work. On projects and events I have had employers assign people to my team. I am not a fan of this happening without a discussion to communicate expectations and clarify roles first. They assign the person … Read more

Building In The Wilderness

In Exodus the children of Israel were to pass through the wilderness on the way to the promise land. They were not supposed to stop and build permanent structures or make their home in the wilderness. God made provision for the Israelites to last them during their journey. He did not provide the manna, quail … Read more

Known By Your Fruit

What kind of fruit do you usually produce? We are known by our words, kind and unkind. We are known by our actions, kind and unkind. Are your words and actions saying what you want them to say? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness … Read more

Construction Closure Part 2

As I was about to drive underground to enter the library parking, I noticed the lawn above the ground was a mess of construction material because there were piles of pipes, cables, heavy equipment, supplies ect. I realized that even though it looked disorganized it was really organized and everything was needed for the new … Read more