Be the Word

How do we “Be the Word”?

Learn His Word

There are no shortcuts. We cannot believe, use and live what we do not know.

Meditating on scripture sounds deep but think of it like studying for a subject in school. The results are richer but the methods used may be the same. Pick a scripture.

Ask God to reveal to you what the scripture means on a deeper level. Then repeat it during the day. Do this until you have memorized the scripture. You can then select another scripture. There are various scripture memory methods on line and you may find one that suits you better. It is easier to use something we already have.

Put His Word Before Us

I used to think of this as going to God first with desires, issues, for help ect. I received a revelation that it is much more than that.

We need to put His Word in front of us. Almost think of it as if we were physically walking with it in front of us and around us.

If someone mistreats us or angers us, respond through His Word. Not with the first comments we would like to let come out of our mouths. This does not mean allow abuse.

It does mean to respond as He would have us respond. This is not always easy but easier to do when we know His Word.

Sometimes the only God people see is Him working through us.  We have to speak, act and live His Word. His Word in us has to become how we connect and communicate with others especially in negative situations.

The good thing is that the more we reflect Him, Be Him, in our responses and choices in life the smoother things seem to flow.

I have attached a link below to Charlotte Mason whose scripture memory method I use. I learned about her site through watching At Home with Nikki. I will place her link below also. Nikki is great at personal and home organization.

Please check out Charlotte Mason’s site for detailed information on using her scripture memory system.

Please check out Nikki’s site for detailed information on using the scripture memory system and designing tips to provide the option of making the system decorative (which in my case is necessary…lol).

James 1:22

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

Luke 11:28

 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

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