Are you looking for life keys in boxes that do not have the answers?
We spend so much time searching for the keys to our significance, peace, joy, purpose and fulfilment in things.
There is nothing wrong with things unless we become so focused on chasing them because we expect them to provide the keys to all of the things above.
Every time that I thought people, places, positions, money or possessions only would bring a sense of significance, fulfilment, purpose and accomplishment, I was wrong.
If we focus on the significance of the fact that we are here, alive, (regardless of our circumstances of birth or upbringing), then we can check with God’s Word for those answers. I have to admit, the longer I live the more I see some things come full circle.
I have seen that He is the right place. He is the way, the truth and the life.
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.