Are we putting on a band-aid or making effective progress in life?
We put bandaids on our lives and we mistakenly assume that situations have been fixed and that we are making progress.
We dress really nicely but hide our debt. We drive expensive cars that cost more than we can afford, and we sacrifice paying for vacations, appreciating or helping others or meeting necessary household expenses.
Looking the part and being it are two different things. Movement is sometimes activity without effectiveness.
Peace in your home and your mind is invaluable.
If there is a lot of strife in your home, go somewhere and sit down and think about why? Looking like you have a happy home life and having it are not the same. Do you have a part in creating or making it worse? Be honest. You do not need to go home and make big announcements about how you are changing things. Just begin to change your actions by taking baby steps.
Sometimes the person causing the discord is not you. What can you do about how you react to the person and situation? Some people enjoy knowing that they have upset you. Sometimes they do it on purpose to keep you from looking too closely at some other things they may have been doing.
Try not to make a sarcastic comment every time a family member, friend, co-worker makes a mistake. Do your part of the household chores without repeatedly being asked to do so. If your spouse has asked you to fix something, then fix it and go on your way.
Do you enjoy good work relationships?
If you want to make progress towards better relationships assess how things are now, decide how they could improve and start taking steps in that direction.
This is not about beating yourself up over what is wrong. It is about looking at how you can make progress towards what is important in life.
Each day is an opportunity to move forward effectively towards success!
Ecclesiastes 11:6
6 Sow your seed in the morning and do not be idle with your hands in the evening, for you do not know whether morning or evening planting will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both alike will be good.