How to Improve Your Prayer Life

If you would like to improve your prayer life, do not make it complex. We can start improving our prayer life today.

If we can think, then we can pray. The reason we sometimes do not pray is disbelief. We prayed in the past and it did not work or seem to work. We also say that we are too busy and regularly praying seems like too much for something that yields uncertain results. There also is the issue of am I praying the ‘right’ way.

Ways to increase and improve your prayer life:

  1. Know that you are heard. God is not incapable of hearing us.
  2. Not every answer is the one we want. Sometimes the answer is no because God can see ahead around the corner and we cannot. What looks good to us right now may really be bad for us now or in the future. A candy apple is mainly made up of an apple but that is not the only part of it. Eat enough of them in one day and you will get sick.
  3. The Bible tells us how to pray. Look it up. Ask mature Christians for help, search for scriptures on-line about prayer. Read the scriptures on prayer in your Bible. Any instruction your receive from anyone should be in the Bible and should not be taken out of context. Sometimes people ‘bend’ things to support what they have been taught or their desired interpretation of scripture.
  4. Thank God for the blessings and favour we do have. Be appreciative.
  5. Talk with God. A two minute sincere conversation is much better then a flowery or routine prayer that is scripted, so that you can check off your I am a good Christian list. You would not want anyone to be fake to you, do not be fake to Him.
  6. Pray daily. Sometimes they may be longer or sometimes shorter. Talk to Him everyday. I believe this helps us to recognize when He is talking to us.
  7. Read your bible. It tells us who He is and helps build our character to match God’s.

Remember, if you start and then stop. You do not need to start over, just start where you stand and keep going.

Matthew 6:7

“And when you pray, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Jeremiah 29:12

12 Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you.

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