What Does it Mean to be Redeemed?

If something is redeemed, an exchange was made. If something is redeemed, an exchange was made. Something was given and in return, something was given back. Redeemed must equal and exchange. You cannot have one part without the other. We are redeemed through Christ Jesus. Isaiah 44:22 “I have wiped out your transgressions like a … Read more

Are You Stressed Because of Disorganization?

The calling of ministry can be so much more stressful when correct process is not in place or is confusing. If there is a lack of clarity between roles and on-boarding is lacking, these things can generate stress. The higher the level of organization in your personal or professional life, the less room there is … Read more

Focus and Keep Going

No matter how complex the journey and the situations around you look, keep going. Focus ahead and on positive things, maintain or build healthy relationships and keep going. Galatians 6:9 9 Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.

How Are You Living Your Life?

We are condition to survive, not succeed. Break bad patterns of behaviour by taking little steps forward. Progress happens daily. Has anyone ever been able to reach an expert level in anything in one day? Stop looking down on yourself and at only your mistakes. Your daily life experience will be dismal if you do … Read more